Living the lockdown in Stirling.

View from my street Even though the lockdown here is still not completely over yet,we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and from this Friday we will finally be allowed to move further than our 5 miles perimeter. I believe the weather didn't get the memo, the forecast is looking very wet and grim for the next 10 days... Luckily the sun was with us throughout the toughest time of the lockdown, so we went on lots of walks and cycle rides around to exercise once a day. We also went for Stand Up Paddle session once the rules had been relaxed a bit... (We tried to stay as close as possible, while staying away from people so we did go sightly further that 5 miles... Sorry, not sorry..) Here are a bunch of pictures taken during all those little and local adventures. We do live in a beautiful area! Wallace Monument and the Ochil hills in the background View of the Great hall of Stirling Castle The tenements of my street ...