Fife coastal path (or at least some sections of it)

Anstruther After a long break writing my blog, let me now show you one of my favourite area of Scotland: the Kingdom of Fife . I love it there, firstly, because it usually gets a nicer weather than Stirling, secondly because it is by the sea (or the Forth estuary for a big part of it) and it is full of very charming towns and villages. Therefore it has a very nice holiday feeling and a day trip over there always feels like a breath of fresh air. In this time of Covid, I feel very lucky to be able to easily get a change of scenery without having to travel very far. Anstruther We decided to walk small bits of the Fife Coastal path which is a long distance trail linking the Forth and the Tay estuaries. This 183km path follows the Kingdom of Fife coastline passing through picturesque old fishing villages, some more industrial towns, as well the birth place of Golf: St Andrews. There are beautiful golden beaches along the trail, and interesting wildlife to be spotted: ...